Tubings & Tools
PU tubings | polyurethane tubings, PA tubings | nylon tubings | polyamide tubings, PTFE tubings | teflon tubings, PE tubings | polyethylene tubings, spiral PU tubings | spiral polyurethane tubings | plastic air blow gun | metal blow guns | plastic blow gun | plastic tubing cutter | metal tubing cutter etc.
Features of Tubings
●more compact without reducing flow
●more flexible without compromising strength
●lighter without diminishing performance
●and can handle a very wide range of temperaturesnand working pressures Markets:
●Industrial Pneumatics
●Pneumatic Controls
●General Purpose Instrumentation
●more flexible without compromising strength
●lighter without diminishing performance
●and can handle a very wide range of temperaturesnand working pressures Markets:
●Industrial Pneumatics
●Pneumatic Controls
●General Purpose Instrumentation